Career and Technical Education
About Career Academies

In 2007 the Florida Legislature passed the Career and Professional Education Act. The purpose of the Act was to provide a statewide planning partnership between the business and education communities in order to attract, expand, and retain targeted, high-value industry and to sustain a strong, knowledge-based economy. The objectives of the Act are as follows:

  • To improve middle and high school academic performance by providing rigorous and relevant curriculum opportunities
  • To provide rigorous and relevant career-themed courses that articulate to postsecondary-level coursework and lead to industry certification
  • To support local and regional economic development
  • To respond to Florida’s critical workforce needs
  • To provide state residents with access to high-wage and high-demand careers
  • Industry Certifications

Industry certifications provide credibility, recognition of achievement, and assurance of quality. Certification benefits students, businesses, and academic institutions by identifying predictable levels of performance and informing the community that established criteria are being met.



Industry Certifications:

  • Ensure students receive a quality education based on uniform and globally recognized industry standard
  • Enrich student preparation with transferable skills for job placement, retention, and career advancement
  • Establish and maintain programs that allow students to demonstrate high levels of performance and distinguish themselves locally, regionally, and nationally
  • Create clear and rigorous standards aligned with curricula and entrance requirements for post secondary education and careers
  • Recognize student and program achievement
  • Afford structures and support for continuous improvement
  • Career academies are a particularly well researched reform approach. A number of comparison group evaluations showed positive impacts on academic outcomes including attendance, earned credits, graduation rates, college attendance rates, and also on labor market outcomes.